Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hip Hop and the World of Interior Design

My company Change The Stage has been in the Interior Design business for over 12 years.  We have worked with clients from New York, California and Abroad.  Our ultimate goal is to work with the Hip Hop Sector here in Atlanta, Georgia... because we see so much lacking from a personal point of view.  When we watch MTV Cribs, it's like I see the same template over and over.  Regardless how large the star is... there is no personal art, wallpaper, sconces or a touch of history that can be related to the history of this great art.  I have seen only two young men that I continue to talk about their individuality and the fact that they refused to let anyone give them a template on what they wanted to achieve.  Those two young men are Kanye West and his beautiful restored house in Los Angeles, and Lil Wayne with his fabulous home in Florida.  It is my determination to change this... to make sure that regardless of the life they have lived to the wealth they have accomplished it will be a part of their history that needs to seen and understood.  Not from someone who probably could care less... and there only desire is to put something together that says Interior Design and to get paid.

 As I stated earlier... I want to change this and with every inch of desire within me I will.  I want to feature great black and white photography, modern contemporary design styles that can still be complimented with the richness of Traditional.  I believe that if more Blacks were shown the modern, hip and cool designs of today they might such really like the style.

I have copied images that represent cool designs for not only the Hip Hop Industry but for our beautiful Black People who deserve to be shown a unique world of classic designs.

Now we will move onto Art in every form.  Yet they all tell a story of Black People and where they have come from to where they now have an exclusive club of wealth, and privilege.

Jean Michel Besquiat... one of my favorite black abstract artist from yesterday and today.  He went from a graffiti poet at 6 years old to selling paintings in Soho galleries.  He became of othe few protege's of the famous eccentric and talented Andy Warhol.  His pain became evident when he died of a drug overdose at 27.  One of his highest paintings sold for $3.3M dollars.

Salvador Dali

All photos from above taken from the fulcrumgallery... except Ms. Campell different photographers photographed her for her legendary 25 years in the modeling world.

The last images we have decided to share are from the modern design style but there still is a Traditional value that can be seen.  The point here is... as Black People we must engage in finding Black Designers that have a eye to create a vision especially for you.  Not a copy cat format that is used for the majority of MTV cribs, but a design world created JUST FOR YOU!

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